Remember when we were still writing with pen and paper? We say to friends "please, write everyday"... some did but I couldn't write letters. Blogging is not easier, of course. Having tried social networks (and failed there too), I am daring to go to the next level. Hopefully, I can come up with chunks of words meaningful enough for you to chew when I skip a day or two.
This is for my--(not arranged in any way according to importance)
- new blogger-friends, non-bloggers, avid blog readers who may come across my blog, please leave a note so I can visit yours or ask you to write on mine
- high school classmates who by now ( I am absolutely sure of this) are as old as I am (give or take one year or two), as wise or even so much wiser, as adjusted (we'd like to think we are) to the awesomeness of the 40s age group
- closest, dearest friends (elementary to college) you know who you are but no need to stand up and be counted I am sure you feel a little embarrassed by this blog (wink) rest assured your name will not be mentioned
- former colleagues who held my hand in good times (quota achieved) and in bad (quota ignored), listened to my jokes and made jokes about me (i lurve it!)
- mommy friends who would rather have real-time bonding with me and kids...plan it and I will come
- siblings and cousins who must read my posts everyday if only to have someone to read them...have a heart, support me already
- sisters' and brothers' friends, former board mates with whom I have not been able to chat with or say Hi to
- my fan/hero/
musemorpheus who constantly reminds me to be true to this blog's title or else... do a Sharon Stone online (so far, I have missed but we pretend to have forgotten the bet)
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